Paper and Poster Submissions

Individual Paper and Poster Presentations

Individually submitted abstracts for paper presentations will be reviewed for scientific merit and a decision will be made to accept or reject it based on independent ratings by two reviewers. Highly rated individual papers will be considered by the Scientific Committee for presentation in a 90 minute Paper Session composed of up to 4 Individual Paper Presentations that are thematically related, each presented for 15 minutes. Individual papers that are highly rated but cannot be accepted for a Paper Session (either because there are not 4 related papers on the topic or the maximum number of paper sessions has been reached) will become Individual Poster Presentations if submitters have indicated that they would like to present the research as a poster if it cannot be presented as an oral paper.

Posters are individual, free-standing research presentations. They are the appropriate format when material can be explained briefly, is suited for graphic or visual presentation, and/or the presenter would benefit from high levels of interaction and discussion.

Individuals may submit proposals for up to two presentation roles. Presenting roles are defined as:

  • First author of a symposium paper
  • First author of an individual poster or paper
  • The roles of Chair and Discussant do not count as presenting roles
  • A chair of a symposium making a presentation counts as an author.
  • Any role in the Invited Program does not count as a presenting role

Submission Instructions for Individual Papers and/or Poster Presentations

  1. A title for your submission with no more than 60 words.
  2. Enter a full name and affiliation for each author of your paper.
  3. An abstract with a maximum of 500 words.
  4. Use standard reference citations (last name, year) and do not include a reference list.
  5. Indicate whether this is a poster or an individual paper presentation.
  6. if you will be willing to present an individual paper as a poster if your submission is not accepted as a paper.

To ensure consistency in formatting, all proposals are to be submitted via the online abstract submission form. The maximum length for abstracts is 500 words.


Deadlines to be noted are:

October 15, 2018: Early submission of group symposia/panel/workshop abstracts 
(priority will be given to well-developed research report sets [usually 4 papers] or workshop plans that fit 90-minute time blocks, organized around a relevant theme; see submission details on following pages)

November 30, 2018: Submission of further panel, individual paper or poster abstracts.

January 10, 2019: Decisions announced

Conference size will be limited by the Scientific Committee to around 200 participants, aiming to select quality symposia/papers that advance our science and practice to expand the reach of our fields toward more effectively enhancing intercultural relations across global boundaries.

Please direct inquiries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Click here to access the IAIR 2019 Conference Submission Portal