Dear PhD and master students, the pre-conference training by IAIR-IACCP is now open for registration!
This year, we are "Learning Across Borders" by delving into community engaged scholarship, broad research skills, international collaborations, effective grant proposal writing, and preparation of scholarly manuscripts.
Click to here to download the Call for Students: Pre-Conference Training of IAIR-IACCP 2025 Joint Conference info
The International Academy for Intercultural Research (IAIR) strongly condemns the tragic loss of innocent civilian lives and the ongoing hostage situations resulting from the recent violence in Israel and Gaza. We are deeply shocked and saddened by these distressing events. We stand in solidarity with those who have endured unimaginable suffering and call for inspired leadership, compassion, and an unwavering commitment to preventing further civilian casualties and the loss of innocent lives.
As dedicated scholars and practitioners in the field of intercultural relations, our core mission revolves around fostering mutual understanding and affirming the shared humanity that transcends cultural differences. In these turbulent times, maintaining this ethos and engaging in constructive dialogue are of paramount importance.
To actively pursue this objective, IAIR is establishing a specialized task force that will delve deeper into the Israel-Palestine conflict. This task force will undertake a multifaceted and creative approach, including organizing roundtable discussions and producing special issue publications to advance our mission. We warmly invite our members who are interested and have expertise in this area to join and contribute to this initiative."
Saba Safdar
IAIR, President
A professional interdisciplinary organization dedicated to the understanding and improvement of intercultural relations through world-class social science research.
Established 1997
The International Academy for Intercultural Research (IAIR)
IAIR is made up of scholars from many disciplines: Education, Anthropology, Management, Communication, Psychology, Sociology, and Policy Science as well as others. The Academy publishes the International Journal of Intercultural Relations,(founded in 1977) the leading journal in the field, convenes an international conference every two years (in odd numbered years), sponsors scholarly books and other activities. Membership is by application (click on the Membership tab above for more information about joining the Academy).
If the Academy interests you, take the time to explore our website and feel free to contact the Executive Director from the "Contact Us" details at the end of the page.
Many people, not necessarily members of the Academy, support its work in improving intercultural relations. One way is to contribute to the funds that honor distinguished work in the field. To donate to one of the funds, click here.