Our Philosophy

IAIR is made up of scholars from many disciplines: Education, Anthropology, Management, Communication, Psychology, Sociology, and Policy Science as well as others.  The Academy publishes the International Journal of Intercultural Relations, (founded in 1977) the leading journal in the field, convenes an international conference every two years (in odd numbered years), sponsors scholarly books and other activities.  Membership is by application (click on the Membership link above for more information about joining the Academy).

If the Academy interests you, take the time to explore our website and feel free to contact the Executive Director on the "Contact Us" page for any further information.

Many people, not necessarily members of the Academy, support its work in improving intercultural relations.  One way is to contribute to the funds that honor distinguished work in the field.  To donate to one of the funds, click here.

Our Philosophy

The Primary Purpose of the Academy is to promote intercultural understanding.  Accordingly, it promotes and encourages research, theory, and practice in the field of intercultural relations. The Academy also strives to disseminate to the public information regarding intercultural relations and it encourages interchanges between people with an interest in intercultural relations. The ultimate goal of the Academy is to promote world peace and prosperity through applications of academic principles and research findings to the betterment of human realities.

In furtherance of the goals, the Academy is an explicitly interdisciplinary forum which promotes and facilitates intercultural research in the areas of Psychology, Sociology, Communication, Education, Anthropology, Management, Political Science, and other areas of specialization in the social sciences and practice.  It is our mission to encourage the highest quality empirical research and practice aimed at understanding the ways in which cultures interact and the results, for good or ill, of the sequae of those interactions.  It is also our belief that the research done by our members can help to reduce the worst consequences of certain types of intercultural interactions that have bedeviled humankind from the beginning of recorded time.

We invite all serious scholars of intercultural relations to join with us in this important enterprise--for we can have no greater purpose as scientists than reducing and, hopefully, eliminating intercultural conflict at all levels from the individual and groups to whole societies and nations.